Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Kane & Lynch 2 – Release date and gameplay video coming tomorrow

March 16, 2010

IO Interactive has tweeted that a release date and gameplay video will be revealed tomorrow. Here’s what they had to say:

“New gameplay trailer for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days will be launched tomorrow on updated website with an exclusive trailer as well.”

“Start salivating because IO is tossing you a juicy bone. New gameplay trailer for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days tomorrow. Exclusive on IGN.”

“This just in! Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days release date to be announced tomorrow! Pull up your food bowl and sit tight for more news today.”

Featuring a ‘down-and-dead mechanic’, in which players fall to the floor and get a second chance, it will also have a rough and less crisp visual style, compared to most action games.


Stunning Metro 2033 launch trailer

March 16, 2010

Weren’t hyped up for this weeks big 360 launch? Well, this should tickle your taste-bud area  to your satisfaction and blow you away with its action and mix of horror and FPS.

Check out Game Attic very soon for a full feature review on it, for now though, gaze upon the awesomeness:


Rumor – Gears of War 3 coming April 2011?

March 16, 2010

Its not even been announced yet, but EDGE is claiming the latest game in the Epic series will be released on April 8th, next year, according to ‘Trusted gaming sources’

Its said Microsoft want to seperate the game from the upcoming Project Natal, and of course its other big killer app, Halo: Reach, something which we’ve thought all along.

“Microsoft’s keen to avoid a clash with Halo: Reach and wants Natal to own Christmas. That’s why we won’t be seeing Gears Of War 3 until next year, but expect a major marketing push ahead of its release,” said the EDGE source.

Full article here, and more as we get it.