Archive for the ‘Feature’ Category


House Party Month!

March 11, 2010

In case you haven’t already noticed, it’s house party month and here at GameAttic, we have you covered at all fronts. We’ll have all the reviews for the new additions as and when we get them and, best of all, in celebration, we’ll be giving away 2 copies of Toy Soldiers over on our twitter feed very soon.

For now though, check out our latest reviews on the games that matter!

Toy Soldiers review

“It’s the devastating war between Britain and Germany, World War 1 is being replicated with stunning realism with… wait a minute, these are toys? Fly toy biplanes, drive wind-up and go toy tanks and destroy the opposition’s men in what is one of the finest strategy-come-action games on Xbox, and it’s all part of House Party month.”


Digital Downloads or Physical Copy?

March 2, 2010
In these times, when everyone seems to download all their music and all sorts of bits and pieces, and people seem to be talking about games heading that way, the question is: do you really want to be downloading your games in the future, or do you want to carry on buying the physical copy?
This is already starting to happen with the ‘Games on Demand’ service and all the games on the XBLA, and the same types of services over on the PSN.  These services obviously aren’t doing too bad, but this could just be because most of the games on them aren’t easily found in-store, and it’s easier for people to just fire up their console and download it.  However, it’s expected in the future that new releases are going to be up for download on release day. So, what are the gamers going to do? Not bother going down their local games shop, or just download it straight onto their consoles hard drive?
Call me old fashioned but I prefer going out and buying my game on a disc, that way I can take it to a mates easily for a game night, they could also borrow it if they want, and also you can go trade it in if you really wanted to. Whereas, a download, you can’t take anywhere or trade it in/get your money back if you decide you don’t want it any longer.
However, I also appreciate that downloads could be better as that way you can’t lose it, and if somehow you do accidentally delete it from your hard drive, you can re-download it, although with a disc, if you lose it or break it in anyway, then you can’t just get a replacement, instead, you have to buy it all over again.  Also, if something is installed to the hard drive it could be quicker loading that if it was being read from of the disk, and lets be honest it’s much easier to just start a download than have to go into town and buy it.
But, as I said, I prefer buying a disc rather than downloading a game, although I will download it if it’s the only way I can get it, as there is no alternative.  I just think there is nothing better than unwrapping the cellophane, I always get a good feeling once I’ve taken that off and opened the case and then (*TA DA*) you see the disc for the first time. 
Overall, I can see that both have their advantages and disadvantages, but for me you can’t beat going and buying the physical copy. Will others agree with me? Who knows. We will just have to wait and see how big the downloadable games become.

The Best of Xbox Live Arcade Week

January 23, 2010

At GameAttic, we pride ourselves on offering reviews of all the big titles, and covering all the games you want to know about. This week, we plan on taking 5 of the biggest and best Xbox Live Arcade games (new and old) for a spin to both boost our review archives and to give you the detailed game analysis you’ve come to expect from us.

A new review will be posted each day, so keep checking back here, or check our Reviews > XBLA reviews page to find out what today’s feature game is. For now though, why not browse over some of our current reviews, below.



Matt Hazard: Blood Bath Beyond

Blood Bath Beyond, is a sequel to the Xbox 360 launch “Eat Lead” (featuring the same lead charcater, Matt Hazard). In this edition, he goes back in time….



Trials HD

Welcome to Trials HD, the visual ‘addiction’ your Xbox 360 has been desperately seeking, for a very long time. You play as a trial’s biker and must…

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Welcome to Alien Breed, you’re dropped into an (alien) world of trouble during an attack on board Leopold – your trusty spaceship – and you must battle to survive…

Jason Flemming is a simple soul, simply backpacking in the Pacific with his new girlfriend, Claire, when she decides to go and have a little explore where you used to go as a child…


Battlefield 1943 first graced our Xbox’s mid last year and was instantly the fastest selling and most played Xbox Live Arcade game of all time.

Have I stepped into a terrifying time warp, again?  It’s Sam, from Serious Sam back for Serious Sam HD, and it’s on the 360 so if you’re a fan you better sit up and fly right cause this is right up your street.

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